Here they are, in all their self-striping glory... I don't have much to say right now. It's been a busy few weeks. When I last posted we were on day 1 of our neurology sequence. Now, two weeks in, it's more than a little overwhelming... which is why the socks are just now completed. I started them before our last clinical interlude, didn't get very far, and once had to rip out the ankle part of the first sock one. During our more relaxed clinical weeks I was able to knit a great deal and finished sock one. I also started sock two. Sock two was more challenging, as school was in full swing. A good 3 weeks later, however, it is complete. I'm not sure what this tells you about medical school other than that the year varies incredibly in terms of work load. The Yarn Harlot frequently documents her traveling on her blog by showing how much of the sock shes working on was completed during the journey. Long and tedious trips yield complete and beautiful footwear, while short visits give only a few rows or a heel. Medical school is the opposite: long and tedious sequences yield a few rows or a heel, eeked out during moments of desperation, and short, light sequences allow for the completion of whole socks. Mostly I just wanted the opportunity to feature my socks in a blog. Yay socks!
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