I am in charge of desserts for Thanksgiving, so here is a little narrative of my Wednesday-bef0re-Thanksgiving morning and afternoon. I started early, making the peach and blueberry filling on Monday night, and the crust dough on Monday night and Tuesday morning. I assembled the first pie Wednesday morning, and it smelled amazing as it baked.

To roll out my crusts, I used the amazing sheet my mom gave me for Christmas last year. It has incredibly helpful circular measurements in the middle, and is also the right size to cover most of the area that would be dirtied by the rolling.

Here is the pumpkin pie, right out of the oven. It still looks a little fluffier than it ended up, as it hadn't cooled and relaxed yet. I had a bunch of filling that didn't fit in the pie crust so you can see that in the photo below.

Also pictured here is the baked crust for mom's mincemeat bars. This was the final Wednesday morning photo, and then I went to teach and also to buy mincemeat...

Several hours later, I finished an apple crisp to bring to Alicia's mom's, and also finished up the mincemeat pie bars, shown below.

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