Sunday, August 05, 2012

Picture made from 1,000 words

Last year I posted a few images generated from the RSS feed from this blog. The website that generated them seemed to intuit how my life changed over the course of the first half of M3 year. I decided to repeat this again today, just to see how different it was now. Turns out that I posted a lot about the ICU... Also about radishes, which I think are wholly deserving of their front-and-center placement here.



  1. Dear Blogger,

    The team at Premed Network has recently come across your blog.

    I’m the President of Premed Network, a nationwide network of premed students.

    The vision of Premed Network is to create a platform for the next generation of physicians.

    We are reaching out to select medical student bloggers to share their posts in our community.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Omar Baig
    President, Premed Network
    16180 Alum Rock Avenue
    San Jose, CA 95127
    (408) 802-5267

    1. I'm happy to have my blog posts shared as long as they are properly attributed to me and linked back to the original source (here!).
