Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And now for something completely different…

I thought a happy post was in order, and a comment by Kurt, my cubicle-mate at SPH, provided just the necessary fodder. You see, Kurt had a birthday this weekend. Kurt, as well as most of my friends at this point, is past most of the really exciting birthdays where you get to be a teenager for the first time, get to drive, get to vote, get to drink, or even get to rent a car for the normal price. Kurt is a thoughtful individual, however, and pointed out that after this particular birthday, he is now eligible to be president of the United States. I now have something to look forward to at 35!

These photos are from my visit to the Smithsonian in August, and although they are a little blurry (shocking that there would not be enough light for flash-less photos at the pretend-t0-be-the-president-area), I think that they are still kind of awesome. I believe the background is from FDR's inaugural address...

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